Monthly Archives: October, 2012

Leading INDEED

Leaders are visionaries. They ginger teams up to follow the vision with some zeal or vigor required for attainment of the ultimate goals. Managers manage what is already on ground but a Leader will usually seek to take what is on ground to the next level of excellence.

Leaders INDEED are not suppose to do all duties alone and must have a Jethro. In Ex 18;17-26 Jethro advised Moses to LEAD but appoint managers that will bear burdens with him.

Note that Moses listened and took action to that effect. A lot of Leaders now, are not listening to the (Jethros) of their lives. Even when they listen they may not take action or could even do contrary to the counsel given to them.

Leaders INDEED should locate the genuine advisers around them; for this is expedient to their speed of performance and good success.

So LISTEN and DELEGATE. No man is indispensable, train others who will perform the tasks even better when you need to be away.

I celebrate Leaders INDEED.


Get genuine burden bearers. Uneasy lies the head that bears the burdens alone. We can make things easier.