Category Archives: Leadership and Stress Management

Leadership and Stress Management.

Leadership and Stress Management


Leadership and Stress Management.

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding lingering and frustrating issues that lead to worries, anxiety or anger and even sickness.

It is important to manage it so that it does not get out of hands.

Management of stress is therefore the process of controlling or doing something about it or preventing it. It is about taking control of your thoughts, emotions and problem handling modes.

To manage stress a Leader needs to consider the following:

  1. Do something about the stress. Don’t wave it off.
  2. Have enough rest daily.
  3. Sleep when necessary.
  4. Know the cause of your stress. For example, anger in traffic, relationships, or financial worries, too much work, losing a loved one, moving house, deadlines to meet, accumulated jobs, planning a huge event that must not fail.
  5. Relax with family and good friends from time to time.
  6. Do some exercises, even if it is for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Pay attention to your body by eating right.
  8. Check your anger level and try to change what needs to be changed. Note the people that trigger your anger, then reduce your level of interactions with them.
  9. Avoid procrastination. Do your work on time so that the work will not pile up.
  10. Set your priorities.
  11. You can share what bothers you with trusted counsellor, teacher, friend, family, pastor, partner.
  12. Forgive your offenders.
  13. Check financial errors and make adjustments.
  14. Listen to good music.
  15. Avoid being pessimistic. Dwelling on worst case scenarios most of the time has negative effects on health.
  16. Try as much as possible not to call yourself a failure or an idiot.
  17. Reading is good.
  18. Avoid unhealthy competition.